Monday, January 18, 2010

Glazed ham with sauce and Ultimate Greek salad

Baked Glazed Ham

For a long time I've thought about doing a food blog, even before the popular movie Julie and Julia came out.  Enough people ask where I get my recipes that I thought I would share them here, along with some pictures of how the food turned out.  I know that I like to pick recipes based on how they look so this is a way to help other people pick what they would like to make too and provide them with a recipe complete with the tweaks I might make to it.  My biggest source of recipes is Recipezaar and that's where I'll be posting links from most of the time.
     For our church's 6th anniversary celebration, I made a baked glazed ham with a sauce derived from the actual glaze and a greek salad (called ultimate by whoever posted it on Recipezaar).  For the salad, I pretty much left the recipe exactly as is and you can find it here.  The ham was a new variation that I decided to try out because I didn't have all the ingredients for my usual recipe.  This is the recipe but I did change it a bit to suit my diet and tastes.  I used a table top roaster to do the ham as I find it easier to reach the ham and baste it and it also stays very moist.  Firstly I used only 1 cup of brown sugar in the glaze for the actual ham, I didn't think it needed 3 cups and the ham was far too small for that amount anyway.  I kept the rest of the measurements pretty much the same.  I scored the ham as advised but didn't use the whole cloves because I don't actually have any.  I brushed the glaze on the ham with a pastry brush and instead of water, I used orange juice in the bottom of my roaster.  I baked the ham at 325 for the first 2 hours but found it was going too slowly so I increased the temperature to 350 and basted it about every half an hour with the bulb baster.  I added about a cup of water after the first 2 hours as the orange juice had mostly evaporated.
     For the sauce, I took the leftover glaze from when I first painted it on and added the same amounts again of the glaze (keeping the brown sugar to one cup) except for the flour which I mixed with a tablespoon of water and added them into a medium saucepan.  I increased the heat and let it boil down for about 5 minutes.  I then added the flour/water mixture to further thicken the sauce and turned it off the heat almost immediately.  I then allowed it to cool and put it in a tupperware to be heated up right before the ham was served.  It needed a few minutes in the microwave and then was served alongside the ham at the dinner.  I'm told it was a success, I didn't eat any myself because I have gestational diabetes and have to avoid sugar which was in pretty high amounts in the sauce. 
     So there you have it, my first blogged meal.  I have a few others to share from the past, if I can find the pictures that is and plenty more to come in the future.  I hope to include some pictures of my daughter and me cooking together as she gets older.  She is starting to help me in the kitchen as she enjoys being helpful.  Hope you enjoy!  Oh and the future meals will likely be much healthier, I don't cook like this every day haha.